True dreamers vision films

“The victory’s yours, keep runnin by faith”

The company true dreamers vision films is based in St. Louis mo the company was founded in 2022 but thought of prior to that date by Maurice D Frierson and Kevin Ricks from a dream Maurice had about a movie and filming company and from there they started putting the peace’s together with the help of God and the crew

Maurice Frierson was born to Barbra and James Frierson on September 24 1985 he was born and raised in St. Louis, Mo he attended Hazelwood east high school but was put out beginning of his sophomore year and was forced to attend ace learning center a alternative school were he finished school and he decided to stay an extra year and graduate with an east diploma he shortly after started venturing off into the work force after years of working at American steel he decided that the work was to demanding and figured he would do better working for himself he had a dream that showed him about a movie and a company so he started putting ideas together with his longtime friend Kevin Ricks they started a film making company called true dreamers vision films there first film which the first movie would be called the silent hustle (don’t bite the hand that feeds you cuz you can’t hustle a hustler) which set to be so in spring 2022 and released shortly after Maurice is also chasing other ventures such as a chain of clothing stores


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